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Part Time Jobs in Germany

One of the major concern of students who have the dream of study abroad is the finances. Unlike in other countries where the financial sector is extremely unorganised, Germany will save you this headache in the area of the financial sector. Here we have put together some useful tips and tricks that you can use to find a part time job in Germany very easily.

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Before we start discussing the points, it’s very important to know that there are some work regulations for international students, which you have to abide by without any mistake or you can face some serious problems, if caught by the authorities. Students may work 120 full days or 240 half days per year. If you take a job as a student assistant or research assistant at the university, it’s usually no problem to exceed the 120-day limit. However, you are obliged to inform the Alien Registration Office (Ausländerbehörde), if you do.

Here are 8 very important points that will help you in your part time job hunt:

1. University’s Notice Board

One of your best places to start finding a job can be your University’s notice board. You will see all kind of jobs, ranging from students who are asking for some consultancy regarding application to a university to people who want to learn English, Maths or Science from other University students. Many professors also use these same notice boards to let the students know if there is any vacancy in that specific institute. On many of these “mini-jobs”, you don’t even have to pay any taxes, since it’s all handled between just two persons: The person who needs the services and the one who offers it.

2. Google Maps

If your field has a specific kind of “branches” or “firms”, you can also use Google Maps to find those firms and apply to them. e.g. for students who have a background of Civil Engineering, you can just search the term “beratende Ingenieure” in Google Maps and you will get the complete list of all the consultant engineers (generally structural engineers) in or around that area. You can take a  look at the video to see how you can do it.

3. HiWis (Hilfswissenschaftler) or Research Assistants

Always keep an eye on your institute’s website or your University’s local job portal to see if there are some vacancies to start working in your University as a tutor. Nothing would look better in your CV than spending time working under your Professor and learning more about the subject.

4. Ebay Kleinanzeigen

Along with finding Apartments, cats, cycle and almost anything, there are also a lot of side jobs or “mini-jobs” available on Ebay. Germans use it for everything and so should you! Sometimes there are some event organizers who require some volunteers who can help in selling tickets or keeping a track of cold drinks and snacks or even just how many guests are arriving into the event. You will be paid straight away in cash and it will also not count into your “120 full day” limit, since, there is no track of it. 😉

5. Restaurants, Cafés and Shops

Will gulping down your ego and working in a Restaurant or a Café too much for you? Well, then, only aren’t missing on a lot of ‘tips’ that the germans very eagerly pay to the people working in the gastronomy industry but also taking one more option away from your list for finding jobs. Nobody here cares what kind of job you are doing and everyone is equally respected. So, if you don’t want to work in a Restaurant, Café or just in a local shop, it’s your choice but nobody is going to judge you if you decide to do that. Finding a job in the above said places is as easy as just going inside and inquiring, if they have a vacancy in their business.

6. Jobbörse (Websites for finding Jobs)

Most of us already know about the websites which have job offers. Some of the important ones are listed below.

You just filter the type of jobs that you need and then you can apply for the offers that you see. It’s as simple as that.

7. Notices in Supermarkets

Lidl, Aldi, Rewe, Penny, Netto, dm and many other german supermarkets always have notices if they are searching for ‘Werkstudent’ at their place. The hourly pay is also as high as 11.50 per hour (minimum). Based on your past experience and skills, it can go up to 12.50 Euros.

8. Asking around

Sometimes landing yourself a nice part time job can be as easy as asking the person you are sitting next to in your University, if they know about a place which is looking for ‘werkstudententen’ or students or if the place where they work at themselves are looking for a new recruit. There are cases like “A person who went to Burger King and just asked the person at the counter, if there is a vacancy in that branch of Burger King and then worked there for 3 months”.

9. Industrial Production Assistants

These are well-paying jobs and are a good option for students looking for some experience and a more relevant employment option after the studies. With Germany giving you a 1-year post-study work permit with your student visas, finding these jobs could be the precursor to a career in Germany. A student can find these jobs in the local newspapers.

“I went into burger king and asked if you want someone. They said yes and told me to come with required docs after week. I worked there for 3 months and enjoyed free burgers every weekends. I am not an expert in German but I knew I could manage.”                                                                                                                                                                                            -Ishan Sheth


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