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Applying for German Health Insurance Online

The German law mandates that every person living Germany has to have a health insurance.

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The German law mandates that every person living in Germany has to have health insurance. As a prospective student of a German university, it is wise to apply for the health insurance from your home country which not only saves you a lot of time once you arrive in Germany but also helps greatly with your Visa process. Moreover, enrolment to your course of study is possible only upon rendering the proof of your health insurance.

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Different types of Health Insurances in Germany

Unlike many countries, Germany requires their residents to have a mandatory health insurance to avail any medical facilities. There are two types of Health Insurances in Germany:
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Public Health Insurance

Approximately 85% of the people living in Germany are involuntary or voluntary members of the public health scheme. This is mandatory for students who are younger than 30 years and are studying a full time course in Germany or have completed less than 14 semesters in their home country. TK is the largest public insurance company in Germany and is generally known for its good customer care services.

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Private Health Insurance

If you are older than 30 or have already studied 14 semesters, you can opt for private health insurance. The students who are residing in Germany for their language courses or doing their research (PhD) need a private health insurance. In general, private health insurances are very expensive compared to the public health insurance.

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Frequently Asked Questions

[vc_zigzag][vc_toggle title=”Am I eligible to apply?”]You are eligible if:

  1. You are a student who wishes to study in Germany.
  2. You have a valid admission letter from a German university.
  3. You have opened a Blocked Account and have the account statement.

[/vc_toggle][vc_toggle title=”Why should I apply for Health Insurance at all?”]It is COMPULSORY for everybody to have a health insurance if you want to stay in Germany. Be a student, a working professional or a free lancer, you need to take health insurance to reside in Germany. If you don’t do that, there are risks of facing serious problems when you go the Ausländersbehörde to get your visa extended. However, if you are a student who wants to come to Germany for their studies, it is important to get a public health insurance because without that, you can’t even enrol yourself in the university.[/vc_toggle][vc_toggle title=”When would I start paying for the Health Insurance?”]This is the part which encouraged us to collaborate with Coracle. The students will start paying for the Public Health Insurance only once they arrive in Germany. That means, you will pay the exact same premiums like your batchmates who would go through the hassle of applying for the HI when they are arrive in Germany as long as you take the insurance from the exact same Health insurance provider (e.g. TKHEKIKK). Moreover, the first Premium that you will have to pay will be mid November (for Wintersemester) and mid May (for Summer semester).[/vc_toggle][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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